針對台灣有於工作時間使用即時通訊軟體的員工進行調查,利用網路問卷的方式發放,採隨機抽樣,共回收246份問卷,經過篩選後,有效問卷為211份。以SPSS 22版進行分析,以確認研究假設是否成立,分析結果如下:
1.1. 上班使用即時通訊軟體時間長短與工作投入為負相關。-不成立
1.2. 上班使用即時通訊軟體時間長短與工作績效為負相關。-不成立
2.1. 上班使用即時通訊軟體時間頻率與工作投入為負相關。-不成立
2.2. 上班使用即時通訊軟體時間頻率與工作績效為負相關。-不成立
3.1. 下班使用即時通訊軟體時間長短與工作投入為負相關。-不成立
3.2. 下班使用即時通訊軟體時間長短與工作績效為負相關。-不成立
4.1. 下班使用即時通訊軟體時間頻率與工作投入為負相關。-不成立
4.2. 下班使用即時通訊軟體時間頻率與工作績效為負相關。-部分成立
5. 使用即時通訊軟體內容不同,對工作投入有正向關係。-部分成立
6. 使用即時通訊軟體內容不同,對工作績效有正向關係。-部分成立
With the rapid development of science and technology, the popularization of the network. The Instant Messenging has been widely used as a new communication pipeline. The use of instant messaging takes up people most of the time and it starts to use at work. The Instant Messenger can used on communication, task delivery…etc for work. This creates an imbalance between work and life. Time used and the content is difficult to grasp, so this research hopes to understand whether the instant messaging use time has an impact on the employee's job involvement and job performance. In addition, it is hoped that the information obtained by the staff will be helpful to the job, and then understand whether the information obtained has an impact on the involvement and the performance of the job.
Surveys of employees in Taiwan who use instant messager during working hours. By using the method of network questionnaire, 246 questionnaires were collected, and after the screening, the effective questionnaire was 211. Use SPSS 22 to confirm the hypothesis. The analysis results were as follows:
1.1. Working with instant messaging, and the using time is negatively correlated to job involvement.-not be established
1.2. Working with instant messaging, and the using time is negatively correlated to job performance. -not be established
2.1. Working with instant messaging, and the using frequency is negatively correlated to job involvement. -not be established
2.2. Working with instant messaging, and the using frequency is negatively correlated to job performance. -not be established
3.1. Off working with instant messaging, and the using time is negatively correlated to job involvement. -not be established
3.2. Off working with instant messaging, and the using time is negatively correlated to job performance. -not be established
4.1. Off working with instant messaging and the using frequency is negatively correlated to job involvement. -not be established
4.2. Off working with instant messaging and the using frequency is negatively correlated to job performance. -Partially established
5. The instant messaging uses the content to be different; the job involvement is the positive relation. - Partially established
6. The instant messaging uses the content to be different; the job performance is the positive relation. - Partially established