本研究完成將一部傳統桌上型快速車床自動化的工作。主要內容包含於刀台安裝步進馬達之基座設計和製作及修改、自動控制系統之建置、刀具程式開發、和加工誤差分析。其中刀具驅動步進馬達之安裝乃在不損傷原機器本體的條件下完成,車床由個人電腦直接控制,備有友善之人機介面讓使用者只要輸入必要特徵尺寸即可自動完成產品加工。機器之固有參數乃根據其特定動作對產品加工的行為表現來推算,第0軸(z軸)總背隙為1.471 mm,座標轉換常數為813.008步進數/mm,第1軸(x軸)總背隙為0.991 mm,座標轉換常數為441.718步進數/mm。考量慣性問題,移動刀座的步進馬達速度必須小於20 rpm,換刀具時必須重設原點位。經由產品誤差分析顯示車床經自動化後,目前對產品的平均加工誤差約為0.05 mm。本研究之完成可以深刻體認自動化機器運作原理和技術細節。
The automation of a traditional desktop lathe is completed. It includes the design and manufacture of the base for mounting smart motors on the lathe, setting up of an automatic control system, developing a computer code for cutter operation, and analysis of machining error. Cutter driving motors are mounted on the lathe in a manner without damaging the machine body. A personal computer is used to direct control the operation of the lathe. A graphical user interface is prepared for user to input data and implement the machining process. The machine intrinsic parameters are calculated according to specific maneuvering behaviors. The total backlash of the mechanism on moving the tool along z-axis is 1.471 mm, and that for x-axis is 0.991 mm. The motor-physical coordinates transformation constants are 813.008 steps/mm and 441.718 steps/mm for z-axis and x-axis, respectively. Consider the inertia problem, the speed of the stepper motor must be less than 20 rpm.The origin must be relocated as tool is changed. Product analysis reveals that the machining error is 0.05mm at the present time. Accomplishing this research job, one can comprehend the automation theory and the technology details in depth.