近年來,國防部開辦女性軍職人員招募考選,充分運用女性人力,補充各機關單位行政、技勤之中、初階與專業人員,以達成建軍需求。Wright and McMahan (1992)提出「人」是組織中最重要的資產,如何選用、管理合適優秀的人才,已成為維持競爭優勢的關鍵。本研究擬針對陸軍單位女性官士兵及其單位主官(管)實施抽室,籍以瞭解單位主官(管)對女性官士兵工作表現滿意度及人力政策看法,作為女性人力進用政策之決策參據。研究發現不同基本屬性(單位層級、單位屬性、階級、職務類別、服務年資)之主官(管)對女性軍職人員工作表現評價有明顯差異。
In recent years, the Defense Department set up the recruitment of female military personnel Examination,full use of female human complement Government Agency administrative, technical support among elementary and professionals, in order to achieve military construction needs. Wright and McMahan (1992) that "man" is the organization's most important asset, how to choose, the right management talent, has become the key to maintaining a competitive advantage. In this study, female officer for the Army unit of soldiers and their unit officers (management) to implement the survey sample, in order to understand the unit officers (management) on the performance of female soldiers, officials and human satisfaction, policy views, as a female human progress with the policy decision-making Participation according to. The study shows that the basic attributes (unit level, unit attributes, class, job type, years of service) of the officers (management) on the performance evaluation of female military personnel were significantly different.