本研究是從獲利與市場能力角度,使用二階段資料包絡分析法(DEA)評估台灣IC設計業的經營效率,並探討影響獲利與市場能力之因素。以台灣62家IC設計業為研究對象,從台灣經濟新報(TEJ)獲取2009年的資料。實證分析結果為台灣IC設計業獲利與市場能力無效率的原因,主要皆來自純技術效率(PTE)所產生的無效率較多,且皆未處於最適生產規模,多數IC設計業處於遞增規模報酬(IRS);其次,有67.74%屬於低獲利且低市場能力的經營類型最多;最後,Tobit 迴歸分析結果為營收成長率與員工產值對獲利能力具有顯著正向影響,負債比率與研發費用率對市場能力分別具有顯著負向與正向影響。
From profitability and market capacity perspective, the purpose of the study is to evaluate the performance of Taiwan IC design industry and its influencing factors. A two-stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is conducted based on Taiwan Economic Journal (TEJ) data in 2009, which targets on 62 subjects of Taiwan IC design industry. The research findings indicate that the reason Taiwan IC design industry does not have sufficient profit and market capacity is owing to the lack of applicable efficiency generated by pure technical and small- scale production. Most of Taiwan's industrial scale is in increasing compensation since 67.74% of the business companies are constrained with low profit and small market scale. The results suggest that the revenue growth rate and the employee productivity have a positive impact on profitability, debt ratio and R & D expense ratio have significantly, respectively, negative and positive influence on the market capacity.