摘要: | 房地產物業投資是金融服務業重要的一環,物業投資不論其用途為何,都是個人與企業理財行為中必要且重要的資產配置元素。物業銷售的複雜度與困難度相對於其他銷售業務而言,具備高度法令遵循、行銷週期長、標的價值高、及高度利潤、標的特異、顧客關係導向與同業競爭等特性,房仲業同時扮演買方與賣方經紀的角色,可以算是最其有銷售挑戰性的行業。本研究以計劃行為理論探討「顧客關係」、「服務品質」、「信任」等變數對顧客滿意度的影響,運用結構方程模型進行分析驗證構面間關聯性,並對模型進行假說驗證。希望研究發現可為房仲業在重視顧客需求下發展出一套模式,作為業者制定策略、企業經營與行銷規劃時的參考依據,進而創造有利提升房仲業經營績效與競爭力的模式。研究結果顯示,消費者除了不認為服務品質對於顧客滿意度有正向影響外,其餘皆成立。透過長期經營顧客,建立顧客關係,得到客戶與潛在客戶的初步信任後,才有機會以專業服務取得客戶的滿意。如果僅於開發客戶時以短期的最高規格服務爭取客戶,不但無法贏得滿意度,甚至產生負向效果,不利客戶關係的長期經營。本研究結果發現房仲業顧客與其他服務產業在行銷滿意認知上具有顯著差異,值得作為房仲業者經管與調整銷售流程的參考依據。
Real estate property investments are an important part of financial services. Regardless of the purpose for investing in properties, real estate is an essential and important element of personal and corporate financial behavior and asset allocation. Compared to other sales services, real estate sales, in terms of their complexity and difficulty, are characterized by high requirements for legal compliance, long sales periods, high target values and profits, special subjects, a customer relation orientation, and industrial competition. The realty industry also plays the role of buyer and seller in different occasions. It can therefore be regarded as a challenging industry. This study used planned behavior theory to explore the impact of a number of variables on customer satisfaction, including customer relationship, service quality, and trust. The structural equation model was used to analyze and verify the associations among dimensions, validate the hypotheses of the model, and develop a model that could focus on customer demand. This model could be presented as a reference for the realty industry for the development of strategy, business operation and sales planning. The proposed model is expected to help enhance industry performance and competitiveness. Based on the results, the hypotheses were all supported, except for the hypothesis that consumers would feel no positive impact of service quality on customer satisfaction. In other words, realty customers show significant differences in their sales perception as compared to consumers of other industries. The findings contribute to the operation and sales process adjustments in the realty industry. |