This paper main point is to research that Chuan-Shan Wang(1619-1692) set up “Lao-zi” and “Zhuang-zi” philosophy Tiandao Expound, Cultivation Expound and Jangjie Expound by virtue of his Qi philosophy position. Chuan-Shan Wang is sholar who accomplish Song and Ming Neo-Confucianism, and he philosophy position is Qi philosophy. In Tiandao Expound, Chuan-Shan Wang think Qi be origin of all things creation and diversification. In Cultivation Expound, he think to cultivate oneself clear Qi to be with the fiow of all things. In Jangjie Expound, he think to cultivate oneself clear Qi to be diversification with all thing.
SO in Cultivation Expound and Jangjie Expound of to be with the fiow of all things, Chuan-Shan Wang philosophy and “Lao-zi” and “Zhuang-zi” philosophy are different in process, not in purpose. So to research Chuan-Shan Wang creation philosophy of “Lao-zi” and “Zhuang-zi” philosophy will appear positive cultivation of “Lao-zi” and “Zhuang-zi” philosophy, and set up positive and beyond philosophy of fusion of Confucianism and Taoist.
This paper has mainly three sections. First, research main position of Chuan-Shan Wang “Lao-zi” and “Zhuang-zi” philosophy Tiandao Expound, Cultivation Expound and Jangjie Expound. Second, research modern shcolars inpertreation of “Lao-zi” and “Zhuang-zi” philosophy, and clarify spindle of “Lao-zi” and “Zhuang-zi” philosophy. Third, to be based on Chuan-Shan Wang inpertreation angle, research Chuan-Shan Wang' stricture and conversion. And he set up philosophy system.