本研究目的為增加電子化口碑與於科技方面創新性延伸科技接受模式,以探討影響使用者於自在客應用程式內的購買意圖之因素。本研究透過紙本及網路問卷的方式蒐集資料,最後,總共回收有效問卷350份,接著採用SPSS 23.0進行敘述性分析及信度分析,以及使用SPSS AMOS 23.0進行驗證性因素分析及結構方程模式分析及假說檢定。結果研究發現使用者對自在客APP之「知覺易用性」對「知覺有用性」呈現顯著正相關、使用者對自在客APP之「知覺易用性」與「知覺有用性」對「態度」呈現顯著正相關、使用者對自在客APP之「知覺有用性」、「態度」、「於科技方面創新性」與「電子化口碑」對「應用程式內的購買意圖」呈現顯著正相關。最後,依據這些研究結果,本研究的實務意涵、限制及未來研究方向亦被呈現於本論文中。
The purposes of this study are to explore the determinants of in-app purchase intention toward Zizaike by using the extended technology acceptance model with electronic word of mouth and innovativeness in IT. Furthermore, a total of 350 valid questionnaires are collected through the convenient sampling. Descriptive statistics and reliability analysis are conducted via SPSS 23.0 and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model are conducted via SPSS AMOS 23. Results find that the perceived ease of use significantly and positively affect perceived usefulness. Both perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness significantly and positively affect attitude. All perceived usefulness, attitude, innovativeness in IT, and electronic word of mouth significantly and positively affect in-app purchase intention. Finally, based on these findings, the practical implications, limitations and future research directions of this study are presented in this study.