摘要: | 近年來,因經濟發展迅速,生活教育水準提昇,對醫療保健的需求日益增加,人的平均壽命延長,而隨社會進步,生活型態改變與醫療科技進步,人民更重視健康身體且更注重「預防」觀念。醫療體系(衛生署、醫院)應結合行動通訊技術的發展,導入遠端照護的醫療應用。利用網路視訊系統及行動式健康資訊監測元件,可迅速將相隔兩地病人和醫生相互聯繫,使用者不受地域限制,隨時可接受即時意見,在黃金時間給予適當處理。尤其是忙碌企業人士之健康照護與邁入老人化社會之慢性病照護需求及偏遠地區較難就醫的民眾,更是迫切需要。因此,本研究建立一個以整合資通訊科技、醫院資訊系統(HIS)、客服中心系統之遠距健康照護雛型平台系統,於此系統架構下包含生理接收功能、七天二十四小時客服服務、醫師健康意見資訊三大子系統。經web service的xml格式,自動呈現相關人士生理「異常」資訊時而透過客服系統知會病患與醫師作適時之建議。或透過醫師經生理資訊與HIS系統資訊之整合,給予健康之意見。主動協助瞭解病患之健康狀況,使得早期發現、早期介入、早期治療,以減少非必須醫療費用之支出,並提高醫院服務品質。本論文發展之「遠距照護雛型系統平台」於北市某醫學中心實際服務,透過系統功能及醫師與護理背景客服人員進行七天二十四小時無間斷健康照護,將近二十位初期糖尿病病患其健康狀況獲得相當成效改善。
With the advancement of social development and high living standards, people pay more attention to their health and, especially, start to notice the importance of ”prevention” of illnesses. The health care system from both government and traditional health care system (hospitals) should start thinking of introducing the modern technologies of telecommunication to build a workable ”remote health care system” to help people taking good care of their health. With the help of video supervising network and mobile health monitor devices, patients can communicate with their doctors anytime, anywhere without face to face contact and can still get the proper instructions and even treatment from the doctor. This would bring great merits to those situations like older people who live by themselves or busy businesspersons who never have time to go to the hospital or, most of all, people who live in the remote areas where medical resources are limited.To meet the increasing needs stated above, this study provides a tele-healthcare platform which integrates the computer communication network, the hospital information system (HIS), and a client service center (call center) as an uni-system. There are three major sub-systems in this uni-system, including the physiological information detecting and transmitting system, the doctor instruction system, and the around the clock client service system. Through this uni-system, whenever a abnormal physiological information is detected, an XML format data will be first sent to the client service center then transmitted to both the patient and the doctor. When receiving the data, doctor then make judgment and give instructions or necessary treatment order to the patient. For less serious conditions, the data can be automatically analyzed by the doctor's instructive information system which may coordinate HIS to give corresponding suggestions or solutions to the case. In such a way, the problems of patients could be always found in the earliest stage and get the proper treatments without delay. This may prevent large-scale medical expenses and provide much higher quality services from the hospitals. This platform actually was operating in one medical center in Taipei for a period of time and already helped nearly 20 early stage diabetes patients with their health improved considerablly. |