隨著網路科技的日漸發達,順勢也帶動網路團購的熱潮。究竟是何種原因會讓消費者對網路團購如此熱衷,又影響消費者參與網路團購的動機為何,本研究提出價格、社群信任、從眾行為、產品涉入及認知風險等因素為影響消費者參與網路團購的主要動機之假設,並驗證彼此間的關聯性。本研究以問卷調查方式共回收了497份問卷,經篩選後有效問卷為411份。由資料分析結果顯示: 1. 網路團購族群以女性及31~40歲的消費者為眾,而最常購買的商品以食品和日常用品居多。 2. 在眾多影響因素中以「價格」、「從眾行為」及「認知風險」最為顯著,其說明了除了價格是消費者所關注外,團體中的從眾效應也攸關其購買選擇;而虛擬購物環境之不確定性及各式風險更為消費者所難以掌控。
With the growing and developing of internet technology, it also brings in the popularity of online group buying. This study aims to investigate reason and motivation that make consum-ers enthusiastic about online group buying. Several factors are examined, including price, community trust, conformity, involvement and perceived risk. We collected 497 questionnaire survey and received 411 effective samples. The results show: 1. The dominant demographic groups are female and 31 to 40 years old, and the most fre-quently purchased items are food and daily necessity. 2. The significant factors are price, conformity and perceived risk. Although the price is the main factor, the bandwagon effect and risk also affect consumers’ purchase.