本研究之目的為建立一個供應商評估模式,藉以提升組織之能力與競爭力,並應用此模式解決供應商評選實務問題。首先,在整理14篇重要的歷史文獻後,挑選出5項最重要的供應商評選準則。之後,共1245家供應商之評估資料回收並進行結構方程模式(structural equation modeling, SEM)分析驗證,再利用約略集合理論(rough set theory, RST)建構供應商評估模式。模式建立過程中,先進行變數縮減、規則類化與簡化的步驟,再藉由所產生之決策規則建構規則基礎的供應商評估模式。而所建立之評估模式與決策規則,未來即可作為協助採購人員或管理者執行相關的供應商選擇政策之基礎。
The purpose of this study is to build a model for supplier selection to improve organizational capability and competitiveness, and apply the model to solve the practical problems of supplier selection. First, this paper reviewed fourteen important literatures and selected five important evaluation attributes. After 1,245 suppliers' evaluation data were collected, we use structural equation modeling (SEM) to verify the data and apply rough set theory (RST) to establish the supplier evaluation model. After the procedure of attributes reduction, rules generalization and shortening, the decision-making rules set are created by the rule-based supplier evaluation model. In the future, the model and rules may assist procurement personnel or manager who is responsible for supplier selection to execute relevant policies.