摘要: | 1942年5月2日毛澤東在延安召開文藝座談會,在座談會的引言中,毛澤東針對文藝工作者,率先揭櫫在中國人民解放的戰爭中,有文武兩戰線,將文化戰線與軍事戰線等量齊觀。
對於中共的生存與發展,文化戰線對內是求取生存,鞏固軍心與民意向心。對外則是在符合生存條件之下,擴大宣傳作為,爭取群眾支持。誠然中共自1921年在共產國際扶植下創黨,1924年中共黨員以個人身分加入中國國民黨,藉此擴大力量。也因政治理念殊異兩者摩擦日熾。終於1927年中國國民黨有清黨之舉。中共自此循建國理念建立根據地,並成立中華蘇維埃共和國。與當時國民政府形成5次的圍剿與反圍剿之戰。1934年10月中共中央面對國民政府第5次圍剿失利,從中央蘇區潰敗,紅軍流轉萬千里,1935年10月落腳陝北難以再戰, 1936年12月12日爆發西安事變,中共在陝北局勢才予稍安。
On May 2nd, 1942, Mao Zedong made a keynote speech in a literary and artistic symposium, which was called in Yan'an, and announced for the first time that there were civil and military fronts, both of which were equally important, in the war of Chinese people's liberation.
According to Mao Zedong, there were two battlefields which were not isolated but complementary to each other in the liberation war. Mao Zedong pointed out that the “culture” of the term “cultural front” refers to the literature and art. “Literature and art,” Mao said, “are integral parts of the revolutionary machine.” He added that they were powerful weapons for uniting and educating the people and for striking and destroying the enemy, and that they helped the people fight the enemy with one heart and one mind. The situations varied from different periods to another, therefore, so were the political tasks of the cultural front.
For the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the cultural front was internally to seek their own survival and consolidate morale and public opinion and externally to be propagated to win public support. It is true that the CCP was established under the Communist International in 1921. In 1924, the members of CCP joined the Chinese National Party (Kuomintang or KMT) in their own name to expand their power. However, due to the conflicting political concepts, Kuomintang finally purged Communists within the party in 1927 Afterward, the Chinese Communist Party established the Chinese Soviet Republic, Such a fact made them to experience five failed suppressions led by the Nationalist Government. In October of 1934, the Central Committee of the CCP launched the Long March when they faced the Nationalist Government's fifth encirclement. Traversing thousands of miles, in October 1935 the fatigued Red Army settled in northern Shaanxi. On December 12, 1936, with the Xi'an Incident breaking out, the CCP in northern Shaanxi became safe.
Copying Lenin’s strategy for amassing power through peace negotiations, at the 1937 KMT-CCP peace talks, the Red Army in northern Shaanxi was reorganized into the Eighth Route Army, while the remnants of the Red Army in the southern provinces became the so-called New Fourth Army. Since then, taking advantage of the Japanese aggression, the CCP at Yan’an ordered the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army to expand occupied areas behind the enemy, establishing many resource-rich bases. Once the Sino-Japanese War was over, the situation had become favorable to the CCP. Hence, the People’s Republic of China was founded while the Nationalist Government retreated to Taiwan. How could the CCP, a party being less than thirty years since its birth, win the victory over the then ruling KMT which had already had a long history of nearly six decades? The victory of the CCP on the cultural front is one of the important factors that cannot be ignored.
The purpose of this study is to explore the evolution of the CCP’s cultural front from the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party through the Sino-Japanese War and furthermore to analyze the cultural strategies that supported the CCP’s survival and development. |