摘要: | 本研究旨在探討中高齡就業者「個人背景變項」、「工作滿意度」與「職涯轉換能力」現況。並分析不同「個人背景變項」的受試者在「工作滿意度」及「職涯轉換能力」上的差異情形,探討受試者之「工作滿意度」與「職涯轉換能力」之相關性,和「個人背景變項」及「工作滿意度」及「職涯轉換能力」的解釋力。
本研究係採問卷調查法,研究範圍為 2016 年大臺北地區中高齡就業者為受試對象,本研究共發放 512 份問卷,回收 495 份,回收率為 96.68%,經剔除廢卷後,有效問卷為 471 份。所使用之問卷測量工具包括「工作滿意度量表」(謝艷薇,2013)及「職涯轉換能力量表」(王文潔,2013)共二項。根據問卷調、雪費事後比較法、多元迴歸分析及皮爾森積差相關分析。研究結果如下:
一、 中高齡就業者個人背景變項中「職業別」、「目前工作之年資」、「近一年個人平均月收入」、「工作轉換原因」與整體「工作滿意度」有顯著差異 (p<.001)。
二、中高齡就業者個人背景變項中「教育程度」、「工作地」、「職業別」、「目前工作之年資」、「近一年個人平均月收入」與整體「職涯轉換能力」上有顯著差異 (p<.001)。
三、 中高齡就業者整體「工作滿意度」與「職涯轉換能力」有顯著相關性 (r=.61, p<.001)。
四、 中高齡就業者「個人背景變項」在「年齡:45-49 歲對比 50-54 歲、55-59、60-64 歲」、「教育程度:高中職以下含肄業對比專科畢業、大學畢業、研究所畢業」、「工作地:臺北市對比新北市」、「行業別:農林漁牧業對比工業」及「近一年個人平均月收入:29,999 元以下對比 70,000 元-89,999 元」「工作轉換原因:自願離職對比自營作業者或雇主」以及「工作滿意度」有顯著解釋力 (R2 = .48)。
The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationships between job satisfaction and career transition competency among middle-aged and older employees. The study adapted survey method and used purposive sampling procedure to recruit study participants who were middle-aged and older employees in the Greater Taipei area. A total of 512 questionnaires were distributed in 2016, and 495 completed questionnaires were returned, with a response rate of 96.68%, and among which were 412 valid responses. Two survey instruments were used in the questionnaire, including the “Job Satisfaction Scale” (Hsieh, 2013) and the “Career Conversion Ability Scale” (Wang, 2013). Data obtained from the questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive statistics and independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé test, the Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis. The survey results were as follows: 1) statistically significant differences were found in occupation, number of years in current job, average personal monthly income in the past year, and reasons for job change among overall job satisfaction (p < .001); 2) statistically significant differences were found in level of educational, location of work place, occupation, reasons for job change, number of years in current job, and average personal monthly income in the past year among overall career transition competency (p < .001); 3) significant positive correlation was found between job satisfaction and career transition competency (r = .61, p < .001); and 4) statistically significant explanatory power (R²=.48) was found in “age: 45-49 versus 50-54, 55-59, 60-64 years old,” “educational level: high school and below versus diploma graduate, university graduate, graduate school graduate,” “location of work place: Taipei City versus New Taipei City,” “profession: agriculture, forestry, fishery, and animal husbandry versus industry,” and “average personal monthly income in the past year: under $29,999 NTD versus $70,000-$89,000 NTD” categories. Based on the research findings, the researcher provides suggestions for middle-aged and older employees, corporations, government agencies, as well as future researchers. |