低地球軌道衛星(LEO)是空間資訊網路(Space Information Network, SIN)中行動衛星通訊系統的一環。由於低軌衛星較接近地面,有信號的傳輸路線短、衰減損耗、時間延遲短及研製費用低的優點,而且可以實現真正的全球覆蓋, 現已成為行動通信衛星發展的熱點。
A low earth orbit satellite (LEO) typically is one type of earth orbits of mobile satellite communications systems in Space Information Network. LEO is growing concern in mobile satellite communications systems developments based on their strengths, such as the lower altitude, the shorter transmission, the reduced loss of satellite frequency, the lower communication time lag and the cheaper cost. And it range covers global distribution.
From 1996 to 2016, many experts pointed out their authentication schemes for mobile satellite communications systems and claimed that their scheme achieved security requirements. After that, their weaknesses were detected. In 2016, Liu et al. published “a lightweight authentication scheme based on self-updating strategy for space information network” and claimed that their scheme reached security requirements. However, the flaws of Liu et al.’s scheme were found for it is vulnerable to hold the second session, the forward secrecy and to resist composite attacks. This thesis improves the flaws of Liu et al.’s scheme and meet information security.