組織實務一直是普遍存在而且最為組織成員熟悉的管理工具,而組織承諾則是工作績效與組織效能的重要指標。然而先前的研究對於兩者的關係卻缺少研究。利用有關組織承諾的綜合分析結果(Mathieu & Zajac, 1990),本研究以全面性(holistic)的觀點,建構組織實務影響組織承諾的模式,並且以269位基層員工為樣本從事實証調查與檢驗。研究結果顯示,結果導向實務對於組織承諾只具有直接效果。員工導向實務除了直接影響組織承諾,亦會經由工作多樣化間接影響情感承諾。合作導向實務則無直接效果,但是會經由角色模糊而間接影響組織承諾。三種導向實務都與角色過荷產生交互效果影響留職承諾,而合作導向實務則對角色衝突與情感承諾的關係產生交互效果。本研究亦討論研究結果在理論及管理上的意涵,同時提供未來研究的方向。
Organizational practices are pervasive and visible managerial tools to organizational members. Similarly, organizational commitment is the important indicator for job performance and organizational effectiveness. However, there is limited research to explore the relationship between these two variables. Using the results of meta-analysis conducted by Mathieu & Zajac (1990), this study develops the model that tries to explain how organizational practices influence organizational commitment from a holistic stance. The data are provided by 269 lower level employees. Results reveal that result-oriented practices have only direct effects on organizational commitment. Employee-oriented practices not only directly influence organizational commitment but also indirectly through task variety influence affective commitment. Cooperation-oriented practices have no direct effects but do have indirect effects, through role ambiguity, on organizational commitment. All three kinds of organizational practices interact with role overload to influence continuance commitment. Further, the interactive effects of cooperation-oriented practices and role conflict on affective commitment are significant. The authors discuss the theoretical implications, and provide recommendation for managerial practice and suggestions for further study.