本文主要目的係在總合消費行為計量模型下,利用兩階段預算法的概念,進行臺 灣地區食品需求體系的實證分析,第一階段將食品總支出分派於副食品與非副食品類商品, 而非副食品包括:主食、乳酪、水果及其他等。第二階段則將副食品類商品總支出分派於肉 類、漁產品、蔬菜、蛋類、油脂及調味料類等項副食品類商品。 本文亦利用總合消費行為模型估算臺灣地區副食品類各項商品在各種不同家戶人口與社會屬 性(諸如:戶內人口數、戶長年齡、戶長教育程度、居住地區、戶長經濟特性等)下的本身 價格彈性,此亦為本文的重要貢獻之一。
The purpose of this paper is to present individual and aggregate models of consumer demand for food commodities. Our Models are based on twostage budgeting and exact aggregation. In the first stage, total food expenditure for each consuming unit is allocated between the commodities of supplementary food and nonsupplementary food. In the second stage, total expenditure of supplementary food is allocated among individual types of supplementary food. The model provides own-price elasticities of demand for supplementary food commodities for Taiwan. These elasticities are estimated separately for households classified by family size, age of food, education of head, region and the economic character of head.