全球個人通信( Universal Personal Telecommunication, UPT )是能夠提供個 人移動性( Personal Mobility )與服務移動性( Service Mobility )的智慧型網路( Intelligent Network, IN )服務概念。 UPT 亦為目前在個人通信服務( Personal Communication Services, PCS )領域內最先進的服務之一。它是由一些服務所組成,並以 個人號碼服務為最基層的接取服務, 用戶經由此服務再去選取其它的服務諸如呼叫選徑( call routing )、 呼叫篩選( call screening )、加值( value-added )、 及計費( billing )等服務以滿足其移動性的需求。 在本文中,亦將探討 UPT 的網接訊息流程與商機。
The Universal Personal Telecommunication (UPT) is an Intelligent Network (IN) service concept that supports both personal mobility and service mobility. It is also one of today's newest service concepts to the Personal Communication Services (PCS). UPT is a combination of services. The most basic service offered is the Personal Number (PN). It is unique to and embedded within the UPT service concept. In addition to the PN service, the user can choose from a variety of call routing, call screening, value-added and billing services to match user's mobilty needs. In this paper, we also discuss the interworking message flow and the business opportunity for UPT.