在不織布的製作過程中,廢棉的問題一直無法獲得有效的解決,因此隨著 ISO14000 的公佈, 使原先未被重視的減廢問題成為各單位的研究目標,本研究使用熱熔合 的方法,將廢棉作成吸音板材中的填充材料,再進行吸音係數的探討。實驗結果顯示,低熔 棉含量為 25 %,基重在 1600 g/m �揪獐迉誑i以得到最佳的吸音係數達 0.65。
There is no efficient way for the problem of the waste during the production processes of nonwoven fabrics. This problem has been re-concerned due to the ISO 14000 announcement. We make the waste become a sound absorption material by the process called heat-linking in this study. The result shows that the sound absorption coefficient is up to 0.65 under the base weight of 1600g/m �� and the waste content of 75 %.