本研究係以廢棄新聞紙脫墨製成之纖維為原料,藉由添加不同量之聚乙烯醇樹脂 及發泡劑後做成實驗樣本。目的在探討發泡劑之添加比例與聚乙烠醇樹脂濃度相互配合下, 其發泡效果與發泡後的物性。實驗結果顯示聚乙烯醇樹脂濃度9%及發泡劑添加比例4%時具有 最佳發泡結構。
This research takes the wood fiber of waste newspaper pulp as material. Using the process of PVA resin and foaming agent, the samples were prepared. We discuss the physical and mechanical properties of the samples. The results indicate that the foaming effect is related to the concentration of PVA resin and the percentage of the foaming agent. The best foaming condition is happened by adding 9% PVA resin and 4% foaming agent.