本文之研究係以檸檬酸(Citric Acid)為樹脂配合磷酸鹽(NaH2P02.H20 & NaH2P04.2H20及(NH4) 2PH04)為催化劑對棉織物行進樹脂加工,並探討不同催化劑、催化劑濃度、混合催化劑及熱處理溫度對棉織物抗縐性及其它物性之影響。由結果顯示棉織物之抗縐角隨著熱處理溫度及催化劑濃度的增加而增加,但強力、白度及柔軟度則相反,而濃度達一定值後,抗縐角會逐漸下降。在此三種催化劑中以次磷酸納之物性最好,但價格?貴,若以價格低廉的磷酸氨混合之,在兩者濃度比為1:1時、可得抗縐性及物性良好且具經濟效益之加工物。
The finishing of cotton fabric streated with citric acid and using phosphate and phosphate as catalysts, the effect of different catalysts, concentration and mixing ratio of catalysts and curing temperature on antiereasing and physical properties of treated fabrics were extensively studied. Based on the experimental results, the wrinkle recovery angle and Yellow value increased with treated temperature and concentration of catalysts, but the strength and softness of treated fabrics were the reversal results. Another, when the concentration of catalysts were too high, the anti-creasing properties were decreased. In these catalysts, the sodium hypophosphite was the best physical properties for finished fabrics, but it was too expensive, when mixed with diammonium hydrogen phosphate, and the ratio was 1:1, the treated fabrics would have good and economical results.