本研究主要係將不同基重之聚酯不織布,經防燃劑以浸漬壓吸方式,進行防燃加 工處理。其中乃針對不織布基重及處理加工條件之變化,對物性,防燃性及耐用性等方面作 一廣泛且深入地研究。由實驗得知,當不織布基重愈大,其防燃性及耐水洗性亦隨之增加; 而加工溫度太高及時間太長時,防燃性及加工物強力則呈下降趨勢。
The effect of a flame retardant and different finishing conditions on the flameproof and physical properties of PET nonwoven with different base weights is investigated in this study. According 4to the experiment, the larger the base weight of the PET nonwoven, the better the fire retardancy to water and physical properties. And the PET nonwoven is treated with the flameproof agent under the conditions of 180 ℃ and 100 seconds.