本研究主要係將聚酯纖維梭織布經不同分散性染料染色,再進行防燃劑加工處理 ,探討染色及防燃加工後之聚酯織物其防燃性、耐光牢度、物性、水洗牢度及昇華牢度之變 化,並經碳弧光照射後,再針對其防燃性、強力、柔軟度等性質作一廣泛且深入的研究。由 實驗結果得知,染色聚酯織物經防燃劑加工後,對日光牢度、水洗牢度及昇華牢度之影響不 大。織物防燃性、強力及柔軟度,會因碳弧光的長時間照射而有所影響。
The effect of different disperse dyes and flame retardent. Andtreating conditions on fiameproof, light fastness and physical properties of polyester fabric is investipated in this study. There is no distinct influences in light fastness, waterfastnes and sublimation on firepoof of polyester fabric. The flameproof and physcal properties was influenced by the carbon arc lamp.