本實驗以混和紗(commingled yarn)製造熱可塑性複合材料(composite materials),變變成型條件以便探討力學性質之影響。文中可以知道含浸程度及基材老化裂碎,對複合材料力學性質影響甚鉅,成型條件如成型溫度,成型時間,須謹慎控制,如此才能得到最佳的力學性質。由本文可以知道在260℃、30min的處理條件下,得到最佳成型條件。
The thermoplastic composite materials were manufactured by commingled yarn under different forming conditions, was studied. It was found the degree of impregnation and collapse has great influence on mechanical properties. Forming conditions such as forming temperature and forming time must control carefully so we can get the best mechanical properties. Under 260℃, 30min we get the best forming condition.