本研究是以聚丙烯與聚乙烯複合纖維不織布為原料, 製成吸水性管材,以期用 於地下灌溉之管材時,能解決一般非吸水性管件之無法涵水、吸水及透氣的功能。並討論 改變成型條件對此種吸水性管材管壁之透氣性、透水性及頂破強度的影響。
The PP/PE bicomponent fiber nonwoven was used as the material to produce water-absorbing pipe. In the study, in order to improve the ordinary poor functions of non-water-absorbing pipe such as one unable to embrace and absorb water and to ventilate when using on the irrigation pipe. We also discuss the influence of changing the molding condition on the air permeability and bursting strength of this kind of material.