本研究在探討如何能測試防彈衣的柔軟性,找出最適合的方法,且不破壞防彈衣 ,而使其應有的防彈性能不變,能讓將來在需要購買防彈衣時,對其柔軟性上作為考量,且 訂定出一個予以為參考的標準為最終研究目的。由實驗得知,將防彈衣以仿照自然垂落投影 法之改良實驗儀器等而成之防彈衣自然垂落拍攝法,將大號(L)以上放置大圓盤(直徑6公分 )、中號(M)以下放置小圓盤(直徑3公分)及15分鐘後,予以攝影機拍攝擷取影像,連接電 腦以顯微影像電腦處理,計算出影像面積以懸垂係數表示,懸垂係數愈小,表示其愈柔軟。
The research makes very study of how to test the right softness and avoid the body armor being destroyed. For keeping the excellent quality, we set a proper standardwhich can calculate its right anti-bullet and softness. According to a best body armor, firstly we put the body armor under the epuipment of the flection of drape test. Next, we prepared the small round-plates for M-size and the big round-plates for L-size at fifteen minutes, connecting computer and taking a lot of pictures by camera. Finally we calculated those numbers again and again to get the right drape coefficient. And we got a conclution that the smaller drape coefficient the better the softness of the body armor is.