本研究採PET不織布為強化材,以熱可塑性保麗穗為基材,經疊層熱壓製成纖維 板,藉著改變成型條件,來探討複合材的機械性質及其最佳成型條件。由實驗得知最佳成型 溫度180℃,成型時間2min,成型壓力30kgf/cm�插C
The recycle of wasted thermoplastic polystyrene was used as the martrix mixing with the wasted PET nonwoven fabric. The sample of waste fiber board were formed by the laying and hot pressing. The immersion effect, their mechanical properties and the best treatment conditions of the thermoplastic composite material were studied. The results indicate that the best treatment conditions are found to be 20 minutes, 30kgf/cm��, 180℃.