本研究採用聚酯廢纖維為強化材,以熱可塑性聚乙烯塑膠為基材,依各種不同的比例進行粉碎、乾混後,再摻入不同比例的矽藻土作為阻燃填充材,經加熱混練、熱壓等工程製成廢纖板,探討不同的強化材╱基材比例及矽藻土比例等阻燃性、發煙量及耐衝擊強力的影響。以期找出最適合作為防火裝璜板的成型條件,將來能應用於室內裝璜材,既能達到廢棄物回收再利用,亦能於火災發生時減少損失及傷害,由實驗結果得知其最佳之成型條件為PET含量為50%、矽藻土含量 40%。
The thermoplastic polypropylene (PE) was used as the matrix mixing with polyester (PET) wasted fiber in this study. After cutting and mixing with different ratio of reinforced materical and matrix, add different weight percentage ratio of Diatomaceous Earth. By cutting, mixing, and hot pressing the sample, to discuss the influence of the percentage ratio of reinfoned, of maxtrix and of Diatomaceous Earth for the flameproof effect, for smoke density and for the mechanical properties of the sample, to find the best treatment condition for building. Hope to use the sample of study as material for building. The results indicate that the best treatment condition is found in the weight percentage ratio of 50% PET and of 40% Diatomaceous Earth.