本研究成功地以轉筒式加熱包繞機紡製導電複合紗,分別以絧絲與聚醯胺長纖維為芯紗,以不鏽鋼絲為包繞紗,經由紡製轉筒式加撚包繞機紡製轉筒式導電複合紗 (Rotor Twisted Conductive Yarn,RTCY),做為織造梭織物的經、緯紗,本研究並成功地使用全自動梭織打樣機製織導電梭織物,透過導電複合紗與聚丙稀長纖維於經緯向的交叉排列與交替投緯,製成金屬複合紗間距分別為2、4與6mm的格子狀織物,將4或6層之導電梭織物以不同角度進行疊合,經熱壓之後形成厚度1.3mm的複合板材,探討導電梭織物補強聚丙稀複合材科之電磁屏蔽效益。
The copper wire and Polyamide filament were used as the core yarn and stainless steel wire was taken as the wrapping yarn respectively to fabricate the warp and weft yarns for weaving. The automatic electronic sampling loom was used in this study successfully to fabricate the conducting woven fabrics with the conductive hybrid yarns. Through the arrangement and alternate picking order of conductive hybrid yarn and PP filaments, a grid like fabric was fabricated into a gap of 2, 4 and 6 mm between warp and weft yarns. The conducting woven fabrics were laminated with various angles in 4 and 6 layers and then heat pressed as a composite at the thickness of 1.3 mm. The electromagnetic shielding effectiveness (EMSE) of the conducting woven fabrics reinforced thermoplastic composites was investigated in this study.