先前針對暴力電玩所為玩家帶來的影響程度,受影響與不受影響皆有實證研究所主張。 然而,卻鮮少進行探討暴力電玩將為玩家帶來何種心理性的正向個人價值與負面情緒感受, 亦或者探討正向個人價值與負面情緒感受是由哪些遊戲要素與特性所衍生。本研究旨於探討 暴力電玩將對玩家產生何種正向個人價值與負面情緒感受,並探究該正向個人價值與負面情 緒感受是因何而產生。本研究以暴力電玩中最具代表性的惡靈古堡遊戲為研究主題,並分別 採用可瞭解玩家行為認知形成過程的方法目的鏈理論(用於探討正向知覺價值)與A-B-C 情緒 模型(用於探討負面情緒感受)。探討玩家在心理層面的正向與負面兩種截然不同感受的網絡 階層結構關係。研究分為兩階段進行,第一階段研究(正向知覺價值)目的為(1)歸納彙整玩家 的價值知覺圖,以瞭解玩家遊玩行為的鏈結特性。(2)分析不同遊玩族群,以瞭解各族群的價 值認知差異。(3)找出潛藏的新遊戲屬性需求,並從中瞭解玩家之偏好。第二階段研究(負面情 緒感受)目的為(1)建構完整的“遊戲誘發事件-玩家個人信念-負面情緒感受”之情緒網絡結構。 (2)探討玩家所結構出的情緒群聚結構,瞭解多元情緒的鏈結過程。(3)探討各要素間之關聯性 與相互影響程度。
The following targets the degree of impact violent video games inflicts on players, whether there is an impact or not has been previously advocated by empirical research. However, studies that explore what psychology-based positive personal values and negative emotional feelings violent video games bring upon players, or studies that explore which game elements and characteristics give rise to positive personal values and negative emotional feelings remain scarce. The purpose of this study is to explore what positive personal values and negative emotional feelings that violent video games produce with players and to explore what gives rise to positive personal values and negative emotional feelings. In this study, Resident Evil, the most representative among violent video games, was adopted as the research theme. The means-end chain theory (used to explore positive cognitive values) and A-B-C emotional model (used to explore negative emotional feelings) was applied to gain an insight into players’ behavioral cognition formation process, approach and purpose. The network hierarchical and structural relationship of the players’ vastly differed positive and negative feelings on a psychological level was explored. The research was carried out in two stages. The purpose of the first stage (positive cognitive value) is to do the following: (1) Summarize and compile players’ hierarchical value map in order to understand the link feature of players’ play behavior; (2) Analyze different play groups in order to understand the value cognitive differences among the groups; (3) Determine the demand for the attributes of new games, from which players’ preferences can be found. The purpose of the second stage (negative emotional feeling) is to do the following: (1) Construct the complete emotional network structure of “game-induced events-players’ personal faithnegative emotional feelings”; (2) Explore the emotional clustering structure constructed by players in order to understand the diverse emotional link process; (3) Explore the correlation and mutual influence among the elements.