過去鮮少研究提到網站中的廣告內容是否會影響瀏覽者對於主網站的認知與態度,但這部分對於 網站經營者而言是非常重要的事。尤其當各網站希望增加瀏覽者的停留時間與正面態度時,網站經營 者更需要在網路廣告的收益與其產生的干擾甚至是負面態度中進行權衡。據此,本研究從廣告外溢效 應與後設動機狀態為基礎,主張瀏覽者會將橫幅式廣告視為情境線索來判斷主網站的認知,一旦暴露 在惱人的橫幅式廣告之下時,瀏覽者不只有意識或無意識的採取廣告避免行為外,其所導致的負面廣 告態度也會外溢到主網站上,並對主網站產生負面態度,而這部分又會進一步受到瀏覽者的目的性情 境而影響。本研究擬採實驗室實驗法方法進行研究工作,並透過眼動儀設備自動偵測與記錄受試者的 眼球凝視廣告與主網站的凝視時間與次數。研究結果可有效協助釐清網路廣告對於主網站可能產生的 影響,進而調整或篩選廣告的應用模式與方向。
In the past, few studies has mentioned whether banner advertising affects the browsers’ awareness and attitude towards the host website, which is very important things for the website operators. This study used advertising spillover effects and metamotivational states to examine the influence of banner advertising on the attitude of host website. That is, browsers will serve banner advertising as contextual cues that judgements of the host website due to a forward spillover effect, and then not only consciously or unconsciously avoid the advertising but the negatively affects their attitude towards the host website. Moreover, this effect may be further affected by the purpose of the situation. The laboratory experiment method will be used to carry out the experiment, and we also used eye tracker to detect and record the fixation length and times from each part on website. The results can help to clarify the possible influence of banner advertising on host website, and the filter the application of advertising patterns and direction. Managerial implications of our findings are also discussed.