摘要: | 虛擬實境(Virtual Reality,VR)具有「使用者即時互動性」、「資訊視覺化呈現」和「情境模擬學習」的特性,主要應用在「地理空間資訊導覽系統」上,由於以虛擬實境技術建構的空間環境,常會造成使用者因「空間迷失」(Spatial Disorientation),而降低空間認知學習效率,而在過去改善學習者空間迷失的相關研究,較少探討對於虛擬環境中空間認知學習成效的影響研究。
因此,本研究以中國文化大學校園作為建置3D虛擬環境的藍圖,並以「3D MAX、Virtools、3D立體投影系統、力回饋設備」等虛擬互動技術平台,建置「校園3D立體虛擬導覽」的實驗環境,採用尋路實驗方法,深入探討導覽輔助工具對使用者在虛擬環境中空間認知學習行為表現之影響。本研究採取兩種不同的導覽輔助工具 -「平面輔助地圖」(Plan Map) 與「導航式指標」(Navigation Indicator),來進行以「文化大學校園樓館作為尋路標的」之尋路實驗研究,探討此兩種導覽輔助工具對使用者在校園虛擬環境中空間方位的尋路績效與策略的行為表現,以及是否能幫助改善使用者在尋路過程中的空間迷失的情形,以致提升尋路績效。並將「虛擬環境中路徑尋跡過程對照為空間知識學習歷程」,以「尋路績效對照為空間學習成效」,進一步探討導覽輔助工具對於使用者在空間認知學習效果的影響。
Virtual Reality is recognized with its characteristics of real-time interaction, information visualization and simulated context learning. It is widely applied in geographic spatial information navigation. However, users often lost their learning efficiency in a virtual environment result from spatial disorientation. Related research focused on the use of navigation-aided tools to reduce user’s spatial disorientation, but rarely to discuss their effects on spatial cognition learning efficacy in a virtual environment.
In the present study, the campus of Chinese Culture University was used as a blueprint and use "3D MAX、Virtools、3D stereoscopic projection system、force feedback devices," such as a virtual interactive technology platform to build up a "Chinese Culture University campus 3D stereo virtual navigation" experiment environment.The way-finding experiment method was adopted to examine how the use of navigation-aided tools affecting user’s behavior of spatial cognition learning in a virtual environment. Therefore, the present study adopted two different navigation-aided tools, "Plan Map" and "Navigation Indicator", to conduct way-finding experiments and to investigate the performance of spatial positioning and way-finding strategies among participants. And whether it could help improve the user’s spatial disorientation, so enhance way-finding performance. A way-finding approach was designed to examine the procedure of spatial knowledge learning in order to understand the effects of navigation-aided tools affect user’s spatial cognition learning effects. The study intended to explore the implications of spatial cognition learning efficacy from those experiments.
The procedures were divided into three phases: 1. to conduct a pilot study and to establish the tester’s spatial knowledge mental map; 2. to conduct experiments and to record the result of the effectiveness of different navigation-aided tools; 3. to conduct an ad hoc analysis of spatial cognition learning effects.
The conclusions of the study were discussed as follow:
(1)Using the "Plan Map" navigation-aided tool, the results showed that poor performance of way-finding was found in time consuming, walking distance, location traceability and spatial orientation. On the other hand, using the "Navigation Indicator" navigation-aided tool, the results showed that the performance of participants was found in consistent with the results of prior spatial information navigation research, better way-finding performance.
(2)The result of study indicated that, after the spatial navigation training via using "Plan Map" navigation-aided tool, the spatial knowledge and mental map of participants was better obtained. In the following experiment without any assistance of navigation-aided tool , the better performance of way-finding and the choice of way-finding strategy in spatial cognitive learning was obtained as well. Therefore, the results showed that the use of "Plan Map" navigation-aided tool did gain a better efficacy in spatial cognition learning effects. |