在競技運動的殿堂裡,比賽過程中運動員所表現出來的每一個動作,背後都需要付出上成千上萬倍的練習時間,所承受的壓力絕不是一般人所能想像。然而運動員使用想像的技巧來提升競賽表現已是 所皆知的方式。選手們必須很清楚的將自己的動作在腦海裡反覆放送,以達到練習的效果。軟式網球比賽強度高、時間短,選手除了精湛的球技外,心理也必須展現強大的能量。本文藉由文獻覽閱及分析的方式,來探討意象訓練應用於軟式網球運動員的心理訓練中,希望透過意象訓練的使用來提升運動員的好表現。
In the Sports Hall, athletes in competition each of the actions, to pay tens of millions of times the amount of practice time behind, not the pressures which the average person can imagine. However, athletes used imagination skills to enhance race performance is well known. Players must be aware of their own actions repeatedly broadcasted in my mind in order to achieve the effect of exercise. Soft tennis competition intensity is high, time is short, besides superb skills, players, must also be powerful energy. Summary of this literature review and analysis, to explore the application of imagery training in the soft tennis players ' psychological training in the hope that, through the use of imagery training to enhance the performance of athletes.