摘要: | 許慎曾為《淮南子》作注,《隋書.經籍志》「子部雜家類」載《淮南子》二十一卷,有許慎、高誘兩家注,〈兩唐志〉、〈宋志〉並載之。因有將許慎與高誘的注合為一書刊行者,後代漸漸將二者相混,宋人蘇頌〈校上淮南子序〉一文已提及兩注淆亂之情況。元代以後許慎的注文漸漸散逸,到了清代,多數學者認定許慎《淮南子注》已亡佚,陶澍、王念孫、王引之父子等學者持此看法。因此清代有許多學者投入搜集許慎《淮南子注》佚文的工作,先後出現了孫馮翼《許慎淮南子注》、黃奭《許慎淮南子注》、蔣曰豫《許叔重淮南子注》、陶方琦《淮南許注異同詁》等輯本。吳承仕〈淮南子舊注校理序〉:「《淮南》舊注有許、高二家,自全宋來,已混不可理。陶方琦始為《異同詁》,辨別異誼,使各有分序,不相干亂,其文理密察,誠諸師所不能到。」李慈銘評陶方琦《淮南許注異同詁》曰:「其書為之積年,近更搜討紛綸,卓然可傳矣。」本文擬就陶方琦《淮南許注異同詁》,析探陶方琦輯許慎《淮南子注》佚文之方法,並歸納出《淮南許注異同詁》一書之價值。
XU,Shen who once made notes on "HuaiNanZi", according to "Subsections Eclectics category" in "Bibliography Monogragh of Sui-shu" contained "HuaiNanzi" twenty volumes, with XU, Shen and GAO, You's notes, "History of Two Tang Dynasty"、"History of Song Dynasty" also uploaded them. Because XU, Shen and GAO, You's notes were wrongly made together as a publisher, their notes gradually were confused by posterity, SU, Song who lived in Song Dynasty mentioned the mixed situation of two notes in the article of "Jiao HaiNanZi Xu". XU, Shen's notes gradually lost after Yuan Dynasty, to Qing Dynasty, most scholars identify XU, shen's notes about HuaiNanZi had lost, such as TAO, Shu、WANG, Nian-Sun、WANG, Yin-Zhi and other scholars who hold this view. Therefore many scholars in Qing Dynasty engaged in collecting XU, Shen's lost notes about HuaiNanZi, had successively appeared in SAN, Feng-Yi "Xu Shen HuaiNanZi Zhu"、HUANG,Shi "XU, Shen HuaiNanZi Zhu"、JIANG, Yue-Yu "Xu Shu Chong HuaiNanZi Zhu"、TAO, Fang-Qi's "XU, Shen's Commentary on the HuaiNanZi" and other series of these. This paper analyzes TAO, Fang-Qi's "XU, Shen's Commentary on the HuaiNanZi" a book of style and content, to explore "XU, Shen's Commentary on the HuaiNanZi" between features and value. |