摘要: | 醫者,是指扮演療癒疾病角色之人。就目前史料觀之,中國療癒疾病行為,與「巫」脫離不了關係,初民期待能透過巫者與神祇溝通,施術解脫病苦與避免死亡。然而,隨著認知能力日益增長,人們從生活經驗中歸結出癒疾的科學模式,有了醫學的雛型概念,至春秋戰國時期,已出現學有專精的醫者為人治病,爾後漸見分門別科。至清代,中國傳統醫學在歐美國家獲得肯定,獲准立案開業,中西合併的醫療方式亦見民間。本篇論文係從347部具故事性的清人筆記中,拾得164則有關醫者的故事,透過醫者背景、治疾內容與方式等,觀得清人最感困擾的疾別,與時人疾病觀和醫者的價值觀;並探討當時醫病關係、醫療倫理等,試析可供借鑑之處。詳述如后。
Healer, heal disease refers to playing the role of the people. On the current historical perspective, Chinese healing illness behavior, and "witch" inseparable from the beginning of the public can expect to communicate with the gods through the witch, the treatments and avoid death agony relief. However, with the growing cognitive abilities, people from life experience more illness attributed to a scientific mode, with the prototype of the concept of medicine, to the Warring States period, there have been a doctor of specialists who treat people, and later do not see the door gradually divided families. To the Qing Dynasty, Chinese traditional medicine in European countries is certainly allowed filing opened merge Western medical approach also see folk. This paper from the 347 series with a story of the Qing Dynasty notes, Lost 164 stories about the doctor, the doctor through the background, content and methods of treatment of diseases, such as, the concept of the Qing Dynasty was the most troubled sense of illness do not, and when human disease concept and the healer's values; and to explore the relationship between doctors and patients at the time, medical ethics, learn from Analysis are available. As described later in detail. |