摘要: | 作者以先前研究商代親屬稱謂制度的結果為基礎,進一步地將商代的親制與見於《爾雅‧釋親》中、先秦時代的親制作一比較研究,以期對我國上古時代親稱、親制遞變的軌跡有所發見。作者將親屬稱謂分為單式、複式二種,再依序對殷契及《爾雅》之親稱系統作出比較研究,並歸結出四點看法,列在本文之「結語」中。
In this paper, the author compares the individual kinship terms, and the kinship systems as seen in the kinship terminologies systems from the two above mentioned sources. The author finds that there were 104 kinship terms (32 simple and 72 complex) from the "Er-ya" system, but among them 49 were not seen in the Shang inscriptions. And there were 79 kinship terms (23 simple and 72 complex) in the Shang inscriptions, but among them 16 were not seen from the "Er-ya" system. Because the Shang people practiced bilateral cross-cousins and sisters exchange marriages between the moieties within the same "Hsing" 姓, the Shang kinship system evolved into the generation type. The Chou people practiced the same types of marriages but on a different level, i.e., between the two different "Hsing". Thus their kinship system was of the bifurcated merging type. And due to the introduction of niece's concubine marriage, the Chou kinship system further changed to the Omaha Type. |