本研究將絲瓜纖維表面改質後絲瓜纖維為補強材,UP 樹脂為基材,以不同的比例混摻,再以模壓機壓出成品製成複合材,探討複合材料的機械性質。由研究結果可得知在抗拉強度方面,添加絲瓜纖維後,UP 樹脂的複合材料有增強的趨勢,但添加20%則強度反而下降;經處理後之纖維補強效果較未處理為佳。硬度方面添加絲瓜纖維後,UP 樹脂的複合材料硬度隨添加量增加而有增加的趨勢;但經處理後之纖維與未處理纖維則沒有明顯差別。衝擊強度也隨添加絲瓜纖維的增加而有增加的趨勢,而經處理後之纖維效果優於未處理纖維。
The loofah fiber/UP resin composite materials has been textured from the various ratios of loofah fiber by surface modification as the reinforcement and the UP resin regard as the matrix. Moreover, the composite materials were formed by extrusion molding machine and then to the mechanical properties of the processed product which are investigated. The tensile strength of UP resin composite materials blended with loofah fiber tends to better than no addition of loofah fiber. Otherwise, the tensile strength of UP resin composite materials is decrease with the addition with 20% loofah fiber. The hardness of UP resin composite materials shows increase with the higher concentration of loofah fiber. After treatment and untreated of loofah fibers on hardness are not significantly different. The impact tenacity of UP resin composite materials also illustrates increase with the higher concentration of loofah fiber. But the impact tenacity of UP resin composite materials treated with loofah fibers is better than untreated loofah fibers.