本研究製備聚(乳/甘醇)酸共聚物(PLGA)及幾丁質(chitin)微纖維,導入分解酵素(chitinase)並結合多醣體材料進行複合,設計開發製作成生物分解性複合纖維海棉敷材,以提升深層慢性傷口癒合之效能。結果顯示,所開發的生物分解性敷材具有仿真皮層組織結構,不同於市售膠原蛋白產品(BIOSTEP® /Smith & Nephew)多孔性海綿結構,能配合組織修復時程提供適當生物分解時程1~3個月與組織生長環境;敷料使用不需再移除及更換,可解決膠原蛋白產品其分解速率過快,約1周需再填補之缺點,增加使用時之便利性。
We developed a biodegradable wound dressing that combined PLGA/chitin microfiber/chitinase into polysaccharide matrix and design made into fiber-forming foam dressing, in order to improve the wound healing performance for the deep chronic wounds. The results show that the biodegradable dressing with a simulation structure of the skin layer were different from the commercially available collagen (BIOSTEP® /Smith & Nephew) porous sponge structure, which can provided appropriate biodegradable time of one to three months and environment to match tissue repair process. In addition, the wound dressing do not need to remove or replacement that can solve shortcomings of collagen products decomposition rate too fast, about one week need to fill during the tissue repair and increased convenience of useful.