本研究開發降低成本之保暖填充絨體,探討不同濃度海藻酸鈉之成型性,及不同濃度水性壓克力添加改善基材柔軟性,並以椰子油發泡劑使絨體基材具有多孔特性,由研究結果得知,在壓克力樹脂2wt%與海藻酸鈉3wt%時能有最好的成型性,纖維約有平均直徑0.4釐米,另外以不同水性壓克力樹脂濃度配比(2%、15%、35%、50%)進行蓬鬆度和熱傳導測試其水性壓克力樹脂有最佳104.58蓬鬆性(in^3/oz),在水性壓克力樹脂15%時有最低之熱傳導率0.0761 (W/M.K),且添加發泡劑後能使纖維具有多孔性孔隙率能到達53.47%。
In this study, the development to cost down of the artificial down, different Alginate concentration and aqueous acrylic that influence on forming and soft, the add Coconut oil foaming agent to change more porous. First, 2% aqueous acrylic and 3% Alginate Solution have best form that average diameter 0.4 mm. Another add different aqueous acrylic concentration(2%、15%、35%、50%) to do the bulkiness and heat conduction detect, that aqueous acrylic have best bulkiness 104.58 (in^3/oz) and low heat conduction 0.0761(W/M*K) of 15% aqueous acrylic concentration. Finally add Coconut oil foaming agent can make 53.47% porosity in the artificial down.