依國家標準CNS15687織物瞬間涼感性能試驗法,是應用熱與冷板瞬間穿透織物熱通量之Q-max值。而本研究依照TN-037標準之遠紅外線燈加熱感測裝置,將織物材料的水分揮發率應予一併評估。同時,按照實際應用於織物與人體接觸上,模擬CNS15659-1及15659-2標準,評估在人體表面35℃的環境下,飽和含水織物乾燥時的涼感溫差。而研究結果指出,根據涼爽織物Q-max標準評估發熱織物,得知發熱織物的Q-max值高於一般涼爽織物的標準,Top Cool+織物的Q-max值為0.198W/cm^2,但100%遠紅外線嫘縈發熱織物的Q-max值為0.241W/cm^2,通過本實驗的數據也可以看出吸濕發熱織物的阻熱溫差也較涼爽織物較小,平均相差1℃,與Q-max值的差異趨勢相符合。涼感織物的水分揮發速率要明顯高於吸濕發熱織物,Top Cool+織物60min後由飽和含水率降低到14.69%,而50/50 棉/遠紅外線嫘縈織物的含水率則仍舊維持在63.89%。綜合織物涼爽判定宜包含Q-max、涼感溫差、水分揮發速率等三項。
According to CNS15687 standard, using heating board to translate heat on the textile in order to reach Q-max value. This study in accordance with TN-037 far infrared heat lamp and temperature detector, testing the moisture evaporation rate in fabric is assessed in conjunction. Meanwhile, according to the actual application on fabric and human contact, the simulation on standards CNS15659-1 and 15659-2 assessment with 35℃of human body surface, the difference temperature curve on saturated moisture textile when drying. The research results that, according to cooling textile's Q-max standard assess heating textile, learned that heating textile of Q-max value above the general cooling textile. For example, Q-max of Top Cool+ fabric is 0.198W/cm^2, but Q-max of 100% far infrared rayon is 0.241W/cm^2.The experiment data showing the heating textile of resistance heat temperature more then Cooling Textile 1℃, so it's conform to Q-max value. The moisture evaporation rate of Cooling Textile is significantly higher than heating textile. Top Cool+ fabric by the saturated moisture content reduced to 14.69% in 60 minutes, however 50/50 cotton/infrared rayon fabric is still maintained at 63.89%. In conclude, fabric's cool feeling judgment should be included Q-max, temperature difference of cool feeling and moisture evaporation rate.