本研究係利用聚乙烯醇水溶液混和木屑及水性壓克力分子,利用微波加熱發泡方式製作木屑栽培介質。探討不同濃度之聚乙烯醇水溶液添加不同含量木屑及水性壓克力,對無土栽培性質之影響。結果顯示,樣本PVA 水溶液濃度為7wt%時,具有較佳成形性;而水性壓克力高分子為固定劑使樣本於水中不易瓦解,其中以樣本進行探討pH 值、EC 值、含水率、孔隙率,實驗結果,樣本的含水率達458%、孔隙率達40.12%、保水效果可達144 小時。
In this study, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) solution mixed waste sawdust and waterborne acrylate, and produce waste sawdust soilless culture medium by microwave heating and microwave foaming. The Soilless cultivation affective of different concentrations of polyvinyl alcohol solution mixed waste sawdust and waterborne acrylate were investigated. From the results showed which has better formation is the concentration of the 7wt% PVA solution of sample .Adding waterborne acrylate as fixative will caused samples difficult disintegrate in water. Using the sample to investigate pH value, EC value, moisture content, porosity and water retention. pH value was 5 of acidic. EC value was 0 ms / cm. About water rates, the sample of 458% moisture content; the sample of 40.12% porosity; the sample of 144 hour water retention.