本研究主要開發導電彈性聚醯亞胺材料,首先藉由分子設計及聚縮合技術開發出一系列彈性聚醯亞胺材料,其固有黏度介於0.48~0.92 dL/g 之間,藉由傅立葉紅外線光譜(FT-IR)及核磁共振光譜(NMR)鑑定其分子結構。進一步使用熱重量分析儀 ( TGA ) 觀察一系列彈性聚醯亞胺材料之裂解溫度,(Td ),其中顯示在420 ℃之前具有優秀之熱穩定度及在最適之三官能基胺含量與氮氣環境下之10%重量損失溫度(Td10%)介於426.7~453.6℃之間。示差掃瞄熱卡量計(DSC)用以觀察高分子材料之玻璃轉移溫度(Tg),其中顯示一系列彈性聚醯亞胺材料之玻璃轉移溫度,(Tg)分別於-44.7~-47.8℃及247.6~313.5℃產生,此分別為脂肪族及芳香族二胺之聚醯亞胺鍵段所貢獻。將石墨烯導入彈性聚醯亞胺材料中,賦予其導電特性,開發出導電彈性聚醯亞胺材料,其表面電阻率介於2.9x10^1~3.8x10^2 Ω/cm^2 之間。
This study was focused on synthesis and characterization of conductive and elastic polyimides. First, a series of elastic polyimides were prepared by molecular design and polycondensation, and the identification and properties of these polymers such as FT-IR, NMR, physical properties, thermal properties, and elastic properties were investigated. Inherent viscosity of these polymers showed between 0.48 and 0.92 dL/g. These polymers which adjust the optimum content of trifunctional amine were showed excellent thermal stable up to a temperature around or above 420℃, and lost 10% weight in the range of 426.7~453.6℃ in nitrogen. The glass transition temperatures of these polymers were determined by DSC and they were in the range of -44.7~-47.8 and 247.6~313.5℃ which contributed from aliphatic and aromatic segment polyimides, respectively. In addition, introducing of graphene into the elastic polyimide produce the conductive and elastic polyimides and surface resistivity of these polymers were between 2.9x10^1 and 3.8x10^2 Ω/cm^2.