本研究主要分為兩個部分:第一部分係探討將經濕式研磨過後之涼感礦石與二氧化鈦製備成分散效果良好之懸浮液,並探討二氧化鈦之添加對混合懸浮液分散性之影響。第二部分為合成含涼感礦石/二氧化鈦添加物之聚醯胺6 切片,利用化學合成法以原位聚合法經過開環、聚合反應、冷卻固化、乾燥破碎、純化等加工步驟製成。以相對黏度分析做為可紡性分析、Q-max測試為功能性分析。經過分析結果後發現本研究之涼感礦石/二氧化鈦添加物在pH 值為9.77 水溶液中的懸浮平均粒徑(D50)為345.38nm,且在pH 值於11.82 水溶液中有最低之表面電位-30.28mV;涼感礦石/二氧化鈦聚醯胺6 切片之相對黏度為2.283,而製備成涼感礦石/二氧化鈦聚醯胺6複合材料時瞬間涼感值為0.354未來可望應用於女性內衣、防曬涼感衣物及多功能性紡織品等終端用途。
First, the cooling mineral, titanium dioxide powders, and dispersion agent, sodium pyrophosphate(SPP) and polypropylene glycol(PPG), were mixed by wet ball milling method. After dilution of wet milled slurry into appropriate concentration, it was used in the fabrication of cooling/titanium dioxide polyamide 6 chips by using chemical synthesis method with in-situ polymerization of ε-caprolactam (CPL). After open-ring reaction, polymerization, then cooled, the cooling/titanium dioxide polyamide 6 chips were obtained. The results show that, the cooling mineral/titanium dioxide slurry exhibits a pH value of 9.77, and the average suspension particle size (D50) is 345.06nm, which displays a zeta potential of -30.28mV. The fabricated cooling mineral/titanium dioxide polyamide 6 chips were solute in sulfuric acid and exhibits a spunable relative viscosity of 2.283. The cooling mineral/titanium dioxide polyamide 6 composite exhibits an instant cool-touch feeling Q-max value of 0.354. These results reveal the potential of applying such material in women's underwear, sunscreen cooling garment, and multi-functional fabric with garment end-use.