摘要: | 本研究主要是利用陶瓷材料特性,結合光能達到創新結合,過去中醫,都是以侵入式針灸在幫病人治療,本研究把陶瓷貼片,當成針灸的針,再加上光能輔助,達到無痛針灸的效果,利用經絡儀測量身體穴道,若發現有異常處,再以相對的點,進行無痛針灸,使身體素質回復正常,進而改善體質,在實驗中,我們還加入了西醫系統心率變異分析,量測受測人的交感與副交感神經,及利用多普勒血流儀進行血流速的測量,在現在的中醫診所,已經有部分開始使用經絡儀來做為把脈工具,好讓病人更了解自己的身體狀況,在本實驗中總共測試了651 位病人,主要針對睡眠品質障礙的病人為主。
This study is the use of a ceramic material properties, combined with an innovative combination of solar energy reaching past, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is to help patients with invasive treatment, the study of the ceramic chip, as acupuncture needles, plus auxiliary light achieve painless acupuncture effect, using the meridian, measuring body acupuncture points and, if found to have abnormal place, in an opposing point painless acupuncture, so that physical fitness is back to normal, thus improving physical fitness, in the experiment, we also added Western HRV analysis system to measure human subject sympathetic and parasympathetic, and the use of Doppler flow meter, to measure blood flow velocity in the current CMCs have been part of the meridian instrument to do is to start using the pulse tools, so that patients are more aware of their physical condition, in this experiment tested a total of 651 patients, mainly for patients with disorders of sleep quality based. |