本研究將開發一新式織物電極,採用成本較低之碳黑纖維與銅錫合金PET 纖維與銀纖維織物電極相互包繞開發新式織物電極,其電極品質與銀纖維織物電極相同,且在實際穿著高運動量的情況下訊號穩定度仍與傳統電極貼片相同。新開發之織物電極使用碳黑纖維單包繞銀纖維之方式織造(300TPM/Z 撚),該織物電極通過耐酸鹼測試,碳黑纖維單包繞銀纖維織物電極鹼洗陰乾後電阻5.8±0.1Ω/10cm,酸洗陰乾後碳黑纖維單包繞銀纖維織物電極導電度9.9±2.1Ω/10cm;碳黑纖維單包繞銀纖維織物電極通過起毛毬測試四級。於訊號穩定度測試,採用標準心電圖計(MSI E3-8010,Taiwan)與Polar 心率傳感器(Polar S625X, Finland)連結生理感測衣穿著在受試者身上進行跑步訊號穩定度比對測試,並於跑步測試前後進行實際穿著體態評估,碳黑單包繞銀纖維織物電極均有貼附於受試者之皮膚上;於實際三十分鐘跑步測試結果顯示心跳相似度在精度5%情況下,訊號準確度100%;精度3%情況下,訊號準確度100%。由測試結果顯示本次開發之碳黑單包繞銀纖維織物電極在品質測試上達預期標準,但本次僅依據一位受試者之實際穿著評估測試,未來需增加不同體型之受試者以更進一步評估本碳黑單包繞銀纖維織物電極之實際穿著訊號穩定度。
This research will develop a new fabric electrodes, which use the lower cost of carbon black fibers and PET fibers and copper-tin alloy electrodes are wrapped silver fabric to develop a new fabric electrode. The qualities of new fabric electrodes will the same with silver fabric electrodes. Apart from this, the signal accuracy of new fabric electrodes will the same with conventional electrode at high physical activity. The newly developed fabric electrodes which are weaved and wrapped by carbon black fiber and silver fibers (300TPM / Z twist). The new carbon black fabric electrodes with silver fibers which pass acid and alkali resistance test. The results of carbon black fabric electrodes with silver fibers surrounded by silver fabric dry caustic resistance 5.8 ± 0.1Ω / 10cm, pickled dried carbon black single fiber wrapped silver fabric electrode conductivity of 9.9 ± 2.1Ω / 10cm; carbon black fiber single electrode surrounded by a silver fabric pilling test four cones. In signal accuracy test, the testing process contains two steps. In first step, we will evaluate the static and dynamic actual wearing condition; the second step is actual wearing running test which will use standard electrocardiograph (MSI E3-8010, Taiwan) and Polar heart rate transmitter (Polar S625X, Finland) to compare the signal accuracy. The Polar hear rate transmitter is linked on physiology sensing clothing. The results of signal accuracy test, in static actual wearing condition, the carbon black fabric electrodes with silver fibers are attached on the skin of the subject before and after running test; in actual wearing running test, the signal accuracy results in precision of 5%, the signal accuracy is 100%; down 3% accuracy, the signal is 100% accurate. In conclusion, the quality of carbon black fabric electrodes with silver fibers which are passed acid and alkali resistance and pilling test. In actual wearing test which need more subjects to verify the signal accuracy.