本研究主要在探討不同規格的聚乳酸(PLA)之物理及熱性質,並選用出適當的聚乳酸原料,經熔融紡絲製成POY 纖維,量測其在不同參數設定下之伸度與強度等,再依據參數的設定,假撚成DTY 纖維,並且對紡製而成的DTY 纖維做初步的探討,以建立適用於紡絲及紡織之聚乳酸原料技術與完整的聚乳酸紡絲及紡織品最佳化製程之加工參數,促進聚乳酸纖維材料的應用層面。由結果中得知PLA 6201D 為最合適之原料,在紡絲速度為3000m/min 之POY 纖維之纖維品質較佳。又以假撚機之加工速度為600m/min 及延伸率為1.45 者可得出較佳的強度及伸度的DTY 纖維。因此DTY 纖維的假撚機參數設定中延伸比的設定對於DTY 的物化性質有著重要的影響,DTY 纖維加工成功與否,POY 纖維的強度亦是重要的關鍵之一。
In this study, we investigate the physical and thermal properties of different specifications of polylactic acid (PLA) for choosing an appropriate material of polylactic acid to spin into POY fiber by melt-spinning. The DTY fiber was prepared depending on the elongation and strength of POY to setting parameters. Finally, the optimize fiber manufactured parameters can be decided by means of analyzing the yarns property. The result indicates that the PLA6201D is an appropriate material for POY and DTY processing .And the spinning speed of 3000m/min and false twisting machine processing speed of 600m/min and elongation ratio of 1.45 may be the most suitable processing parameter.