籃球運動中籃球鞋是不可或缺的重要工具之一,長期使用籃球鞋如能預測各階段耗損情形,及時汰舊換新即可避免下肢運動傷害。本研究目的觀察籃球鞋長期使用之前足避震性與摩擦性在各個階段的功能變化。以12 位高中甲組球員穿著市售籃球鞋 (Adidas MisterFly),每20 小時進行避震與摩擦材料測試共進行140 小時。結果顯示籃球鞋在長期使用避震性與摩擦性在80小時為預警指標,100 小時為淘汰指標。根據本研究的結果則可預測出籃球鞋各個階段使用情形,如達預警與淘汰指標則可及時汰舊換新。透過基礎研究結合與產業設計開發,本研究能為開發出具體的科學驗證及開發創新運動鞋款,增加銷售量與營收。
Footwear was one of the most important equipment when we play basketball, if we can predict the wastage in each and every usage stage, change new footwear timely, then we can prevent unexpected leg injuries. The purpose of this study was to observe the footwear function decreased of shock and features in each usage stage, and build up forefoot cushion and friction. There was12 HBL players wear Nike basketball footwear, test the cushion and friction result every 20 hours, total test during time 140 hours. The analyses result shows in a long term usage of the basketball footwear, cushion and friction function decreased alert index was at 80 hours, and 100 hours was eliminate index. According to this study result, we may predict the functional decreased for basketball footwear in every usage stage, when it reaches risk prevention we can change it in a timely bases. Through scientific and innovative of sports shoes in the future are able to increase sales and product value.