本研究主要針對個案公司與顧客溝通的方法與品牌形象傳遞的策略進行分析探討,並經由訪談後整理而成的發現提出建議。研究目的包括準確地向消費者傳遞品牌價值、找出本土品牌在顧客溝通上出現的問題,以及如何運用不同行銷手法與消費者連結。本研究以PZB 缺口模式為基礎,透過深度訪談的方式來探討個案公司如何經由內部所擁有的資源與能力,進而擬定出品牌形象傳遞之策略。
The research is about the strategies of conveyance brand image and analysis the connection betweencompany and costumer. We propose our proposal after we survey and collating information. Theresearch purposes including how to convey brand image accurately and find the problem of customercommunication in the local brand. Also how to connect with customer in different marketing practices.The research base on PZB service quality model. Investigate the company how to develop strategies ofconveyance brand image with their ability and internal resources in the depth interview. We also depthinterview three type customer(loyalty customer; potential customer; target customer)to know theirdemand and expectation about down jacket, also the way they receive information and what they knowabout the company. We propose our proposal to the company as a reference.