Fashion products which are not standardized products are not suitable to be sold through internet. The purchasing expenses of young ladies who are the main consumers for internet fashion products are lower than others. However, there are still many successful internet brands of cheap and fashion. Therefore, consumers’ traits such as price sensitivity, preference of liking and understanding chains are worth discussing. We collected the contexts of consumers’ understanding chains to design questionnaires. The internet questionnaires were used to collect quantitative data to analyze factors of mean-end chains, preference of liking and price sensitivity on brands evaluation of young ladies regarding internet fashions. The majority of questionnaires respondents aged 18-26, college students, average numbers of internet browsing are more than 4 times per month. They spend average NT$1001~3000 in apparel and NT$201~500 in bag monthly. We used Mean-end Chains to investigate consumers’ traits. The results show that the majority of consumers get inner satisfaction in buying bags. Motivations of purchasing are cheapness, and benefits are the storage functions and fashion styling. Consumers have more brand understanding, and will have the higher brand evaluations. Price sensitivity (negative) and fashion liking(positive) are moderators to understanding ladder.