聚胺酯(PU)廣泛的運用於不同領域中,但商業上所需的PU 需要較多元的性質,因此PU 的改質成為重要課題。而奈米碳管具良好的機械性質、熱穩定性、高導電等特性,常用於添加在高分子中加強其性質。本實驗先以聚氧四亞基二醇(PTMO)和4,4’-二苯甲烷二異氰酸鹽(MDI)形成預聚物,再以含保護基的2-胺基丙二醇(N-BOC-serinol)和1.4BD 之混合溶液鏈延長合成改質PU,最後將其去活化與氯醯化多壁奈米碳管混和並以靜電紡絲方法將其噴絲製成聚氨酯/多壁奈米碳管複合材料(MWNTs/PU)。由FTIR、NMR 和TEM 驗證了奈米碳管存在於PU 中,SEM 顯示了電紡奈米級的網狀複合材料結構。TGA 和DMA 分別顯示了複合材料的5%分解溫度(Td)和玻璃轉移溫度(Tg)有所提升。複合材料表面電阻比PU 低。拉伸測試顯示複合材料楊氏係數和拉伸強度皆增加但斷裂延伸率降低。全血凝固測試顯示加入碳管有助於抗凝血;細胞毒性測試(MTT test)認定複合材料無毒性。
Polyurethane (PU) is widely used in different areas, including manufacture, textiles, and biomaterials due to its variable strength and biocompatibility. The incorporation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) into PU can improve material stiffness, thermal, and electrical properties. In this study, polytetramethylene oxide(PTMO) and 4,4'-diphenylmethane diisocyanate(MDI) were used to synthesize prepolymer. The product was chain-extended by N-BOC-serinol and 1,4-butanediol(BD) to form the modified PU. After the de-protection of BOC group of the serinol in modified PU, the modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) containing COCl groups were added to the PU solution .The PU composite (MWCNTs/PU) were prepared using electrospinning method. The molecular structure of the composite has been identified by FTIR and NMR. The existence of MWNTs inside the nanofibers was proved by TEM. The SEM images showed the woven networks of MWNTs/PU. Surface resistivity of the composite was less than that of PU or modified PU. Tensile strength and modulus of MWNTs/PU were better than those of PU, although the elongation at break of the composite decreased some. The whole blood clotting tests indicated that MWNTs/PU delayed the time for the aggregation of the blood relative to that of PU or the modified PU. The MWNTs/PU expressed no toxicity in cyto-viability test.