本研究主要針對大學生對於欲觀看的影片類型及前置性影音廣告的搭配是否會產生不同程度的廣告效果進行深入研究。研究目的為探討服裝前置性影音廣告和影片類型的相互搭配,在不同的接收反應之下,會有甚麼樣的廣告效果,且廣告主和廠商應該將影片類型的特性納入考量,善用影音廣告和影片兩者之間的搭配,刺激消費者接受訊息,以加深閱聽眾的品牌記憶度,創造更佳的廣告效果和更高的商業利益。研究對象為北部大學生;研究方法為隨機抽樣,共回收167 份有效問卷,運用信度分析、敘述性統計分析、變異數分析(ANOVA)等統計方法進行探討。資料研究結果顯示,平價服裝前置影音廣告搭配電影預告片之廣告效果最佳;另外在不同的市場區隔下,廣告效果方面也有所差異。
This paper presents the interaction between YouTube pre-roll apparel Ads and types of videos on advertising effects. Since Google merged with YouTube in 2008, True View in-stream has been introduced to YouTube users. Viewers can either keep watching or skip Ads after seeing 5 seconds of video, which we define this action in term reaction-upon-receiving-Ads. Undergraduates in northern Taiwan are set to be subject. We cast 2x3 experimental design and two-way factorial design based on reaction-upon-receiving-Ads and subjects in different sexes, ages, habits of browsing internet to name a few. Our experimental evaluation shows that the interaction between Ads of apparel with consumerfriendly price and movie trailers can reach better advertising effects; moreover, advertising effects differs from gender, zodiac and governable income for example.