透過雷達圖分析了解所屬地區的不同,變動因素也不一樣,對78 家廠商的制度評分與各種不同項目,如人力、生產、行銷、管理及研發,依照北部、中部與南部和全國平均值的對照之下,每個區域有不同項目的差距,藉此得到產業區域的差異。在袋包箱產業的激烈競爭之下,從SWOT 分析法,了解袋包箱產業內部環境和外部環境的關係,以條列式列出,優勢及劣勢,並以機會和威脅對當下環境提出改善方法和建議。
Through radar chart analysis to understand the different district, changes in factors are also different, scoring system of 78 manufacturers with a variety of different projects, for example, manpower, production, marketing, management, research and development, in contrast with the northern, central, southern and the national average, each region has different gap, so as to differences in industrial area. In Bags industry competition, with SWOT analysis that understood bags industry internal environment and external environment relationship, listed in accordance with article-past about strength, weakness, opportunity and threat for the environment to improve the methods and recommendations.